Screen Rant - Marvel Cinematic Universe The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multimedia superhero franchise that began in 2008 with Paramount's Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. The franchise quickly grew in popularity, with Disney eventually buying out Marvel Entertainment in 2009. The MCU consists of dozens of movies and TV shows, most notably Avengers: Endgame, WandaVision, and Loki. Mon, 01 Jan 2024 22:13:32 GMT en-US hourly 60 <![CDATA[20 Best Superhero Movie Quotes, Ranked]]> While 2023's MCU release delivered some great quotes, both the Marvel franchise and the DC Universe have consistently delivered many of the most thought-provoking and meaningful quotes in cinema. Superhero movies are filled with unforgettable quotes from both heroes and villains that have joined the pantheon of the most memorable committed to screen. The superhero genre in film has gone through many highs and lows, but even in its lowest moments, there are memorable quotes and moments that audiences remember. Since 1978's Superman, the genre has become filled with iconic quotes, whether delivered by a hero, villain, or hilarious sidekick.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 22:13:32 GMT
<![CDATA[Marvel Subtly Reveals Another Avenger Could Have Survived Iron Man's Endgame Snap]]> Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Marvel's What If...? Season 2, Episode 9

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:30:19 GMT
<![CDATA[Every Avengers Team In The MCU, Ranked By Power]]> The Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen the rise of multiple Avengers teams over the years, and some of them are stronger than others. The first of the MCU's Avengers movies was 2012's The Avengers, which established the team as the most important for Marvel going forward. While multiple other teams have emerged in the MCU since the creation of the Avengers, no Marvel live-action team has been more powerful than the Avengers.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 19:00:17 GMT
<![CDATA[Iron Man MCU vs Marvel Comics: 5 Biggest Changes To RDJ's Tony Stark Explained]]> As is to be expected when adapting stories that span years into a series of movies, some of Iron Man's most significant story beats in the MCU veer significantly from his comic book origins - but these changes can be easily explained. When the Iron Man movies introduced Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark as the MCU's first hero, he wasn't nearly as famous as he has now become. Yet by expertly drawing inspiration from the most compelling stories in Iron Man's comic book career, Marvel was able to turn Tony Stark into their most famous hero, whose tenure was rendered all the more poignant by his captivating journey over several movies.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 18:20:18 GMT
<![CDATA[Every MCU Story Marvel Cut From Canon]]> Though the Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the biggest media franchises in existence, it would have been much larger if certain projects hadn’t been cut from canon. The movies and TV shows of the MCU make up a sprawling universe of characters and stories from Marvel Comics brought to life on the screen. The franchise comprises multiple phases of storytelling, with Phases 1 through 3 dubbed the Infinity Saga, following the events leading up to Avengers: Endgame, and Phases 4 through 6 the Multiverse Saga, concerning the franchise’s expansion into the infinite Multiverse.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 17:30:15 GMT
<![CDATA[Marvel Just Made Captain America's MCU Absence Even Worse]]> Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Marvel's What If...? Season 2.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 17:00:20 GMT
<![CDATA[10 Best Variants & Original Characters Introduced In What If Season 2]]> Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Marvel's What If...? Season 2

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 16:00:18 GMT
<![CDATA[Hela's MCU Return Confirms The Harsh Truth Of Odin 6 Years After His Death]]> Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Marvel's What If...? Season 2, Episode 7.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 15:30:16 GMT
<![CDATA[10 Lessons The MCU Must Learn After 2023's Ups & Downs ]]> The movies and TV shows released within the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2023 provided Marvel Studios with plenty of lessons to learn after a year of high highs and low lows. The MCU's 2023 live-action releases consisted of three theatrical films and two Disney+ TV shows, leading many to eagerly anticipate the list of Marvel movies set for 2024. Despite the excitement surrounding the future of the franchise, the various projects of 2023 have led many to look back in hindsight to reflect on the ups and downs of the year's MCU stories.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 14:00:20 GMT
<![CDATA[Every What If Season 2 Episode Ranked Worst To Best]]> Warning! This post contains spoilers for every episode of What If…? season 2.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:10:13 GMT