
Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multimedia superhero franchise that began in 2008 with Paramount's Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. The franchise quickly grew in popularity, with Disney eventually buying out Marvel Entertainment in 2009. The MCU consists of dozens of movies and TV shows, most notably Avengers: Endgame, WandaVision, and Loki.

MCU Franchise Poster
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Created by
Kevin Feige
First Film
Iron Man
First TV Show
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Josh Brolin as Thanos, Christian Bale as Batman, and Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger 1
20 Best Superhero Movie Quotes, Ranked

Superhero movies have plenty of excellent quotes, and these 20 are just a few of the most memorable lines of dialogue from the genre's history.

Iron Man Endgame Snap and Captain America-1 1
What If...? (2021)
Marvel Subtly Reveals Another Avenger Could Have Survived Iron Man's Endgame Snap

A dynamic hero in the MCU's multiverse has provided strong evidence that another Avenger could have survived Iron Man's snap in Endgame.

Captain America from Avengers Endgame, Spider-Man from a Spider-Man No Way Home poster, and Scarlet Witch from What If's 1602 episode 1
Every Avengers Team In The MCU, Ranked By Power

The original Avengers team might be the MCU's most iconic, but it is far from the only one, and the many Avengers rosters have differing power levels.

Split image of Iron Man in the MCU and in Marvel Comics 1
Iron Man MCU vs Marvel Comics: 5 Biggest Changes To RDJ's Tony Stark Explained

The Iron Man depicted in the MCU wasn't entirely faithful to the comic book character of the same name, but the changes can be easily explained.

Phil Coulson, Black Bolt from Inhumans and Thanos Titan Consumed 1
Every MCU Story Marvel Cut From Canon

The Marvel Cinematic Universe features a wealth of stories, but Marvel has actually removed multiple projects or narratives from its official canon.

Captain Carter, Sam Wilson as Captain America, and Steve Rogers as Captain America in live-action in the MCU 1
What If...? (2021)
Marvel Just Made Captain America's MCU Absence Even Worse

Sam Wilson became Captain America in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but he has been missing ever since, and the MCU has made his absence worse.

Kahhori, Peter Quill, and Hela What If Season 2 MCU Variants 1
What If...? (2021)
10 Best Variants & Original Characters Introduced In What If Season 2

Marvel's What If...? Season 2 introduced several new realities and a solid collection of new variants and original characters in the MCU Multiverse.

Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and Hela (Cate Blanchett) in the MCU 1
What If...? (2021)
Hela's MCU Return Confirms The Harsh Truth Of Odin 6 Years After His Death

Cate Blanchett has returned as Hela to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the character's new appearance confirms a dark truth about Odin.

God Loki from Loki season 2, Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Secret Invasion 1
10 Lessons The MCU Must Learn After 2023's Ups & Downs

The MCU’s 2023 TV shows and movies offered plenty of ebbs and flows that included a handful of lessons the franchise needs to learn going forward.

Thor, Gamora, and Tony Stark from What If season 2 1
What If...? (2021)
Every What If Season 2 Episode Ranked Worst To Best

All 9 episodes of the second season of What If…? are available to stream, so it’s time to rank just how well it tackles each multiversal scenario.

Jon Bernthal's Punisher in Netflix's Defenders Saga 1
Daredevil: Born Again (2024)
10 Things To Remember About The Punisher Before Daredevil: Born Again

Jon Bernthal has been confirmed to be reprising his role of the Punisher in Daredevil: Born Again, following his appearances in the Defenders Saga.

Shang-Chi, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange in the MCU 1
Every Possible Phase 6 Avengers Team Will Make The Original MCU Version Look C-List

The MCU's New Avengers team will dwarf the original roster as to Marvel Studios gave many superheroes huge power upgrades in the Multiverse Saga.

Comic book art of Ghost Rider on his motorcycle and Ryan Gosling looking sideways under an orange light in The Gray Man poster 1
Ryan Gosling Becomes The Perfect Ghost Rider In Fiery MCU Art

Ryan Gosling has said that he would love to play Ghost Rider, and exciting MCU art imagines just how perfect he would be as the Marvel character.

Ryan Reynolds in Costume as Deadpool in Deadpool 2 1
Deadpool 3's Comic-Accurate Costume Showcased By Ryan Reynolds In New BTS Image

On Instagram, Ryan Reynolds shares a collection of images celebrating 2023, including a behind-the-scenes shot showing off his costume in Deadpool 3.

Split image of Starfire in Titans, Flash in The Flash and Loki in Loki 1
Every Marvel & DC Show That Ended In 2023

There were several DC and Marvel TV shows that came to an end in 2023, be it narratively or due to cancellations from networks and studios.

Hela What If Infinity Stones 1
What If...? (2021)
Marvel Crowns A New Most Powerful MCU Hero After The Most OP Upgrade Ever

The last MCU release of 2023 changed the power rankings of the MCU again, giving one hero the biggest power upgrade possible.

Carol Danvers from The Marvels composited with Arthury Curry from Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 1
Aquaman 2 Box Office Passes The Marvels' Entire Global Gross In Just Two Weeks

In just two weeks, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom's box office totals pass the entire global gross for the Marvel Cinematic Universe's The Marvels.

Michael Douglas' Hank Pym in the MCU with Hank Pym's Ant-Man in What If...? season 2 1
Why The Original Ant-Man Wasn't An Avenger

Hank Pym's Ant-Man could have been featured on the roster of the MCU's original Avengers team, just like he was in What If...? season 2, episode 2.

10 MCU Villains With The Highest Kill Counts 1
15 MCU Villains With The Highest Kill Counts

From Gods to Titans to AI, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has witnessed some truly destructive villains. Here's a look at them, ranked by kill count.

Captain America from Avengers: Endgame's final battle and Dane Whitman from Eternals' ending 1
Another Avengers Replacement Could Bring Back 2 Underused MCU Heroes & Solve A Huge Phase 5 Issue

With the MCU introducing several characters recently, there are multiple new Avengers team options, and one of them would fix a major Phase 5 issue.

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